Sunday, May 31, 2009

tball trophy time!

Spring tball has ended with all the tball players winners! The closing ceremony was Saturday. A family fun day with jumpy houses, a dunk tank, as well as other games followed the ceremony. The ceremony itself took about 45 minutes, which was about 40 minutes longer than there 4/5 year olds could take.

We tried to take a team picture, but their attention span and ability to follow directions were pretty much shot.

Here's my almost 5 year old with his trophy. It does say his name and have the season on it but Jack had the trophy turned around backwards. He was so proud of it. When we got home, he wanted to take some "baby things" off the shelf in his room to make room for the tball trophy, which he also mentioned he thought was better than the soccer trophy. (It was. Tball was better than soccer too).

Here's me with my little big guy. You know, there was another mom at the event wearing the exact same outfit I had on. Right down to the shoes. Arg. It was a cute outfit too. Red shorts with white polka dots and matching shoes. And all morning people kept saying, "Oh, that outfit is so cute! Did you know someone else has on the same one?" Yes, I've been told, thankyouverymuch. Then the outfit-copier came over to talk to me. Man, we're already wearing the same outfit, now we have to stand next to each other and talk?! I did look cute though.
But not as cute as Jack with that proud smile on his face! (Although not so much in this picture).


Erin said...

Oh how cute and fun! Does he play any other sports?!

Meant to be a mom said...

Hey I just got your message on my blog. I'm not sure if the bella band is what I have??? I got the belly band that I'm using from the Motherhood store and its just a black stretchy sleeve that fits over my jeans and hides the zipper since its undone.

Also your kids are just adorable.:)

Grace said...

Hi Emily, it is so nice to be here in your blog and read your nice post... and great picture, too.
How is your weekend? :)

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What a proud little fella! Way to go, buddy!

Bren said...

Yeah to the trophy! Boo to the woman in the matching outfit. Nothing worse than picking out something cute only to have someone else pick the same thing!

steph said...

I remember when you bought those cute shorts in Jackson last summer. How dare someone else even think of wearing the SAME outfit as you =) Jack is too cute with his trophy!

Meant to be a mom said...

I will have to check out the Bella band. It sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation.

Jen said...

what a cute little t-ball player. I want Hayden to play t-ball but he says, No!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Yay on the trophy and the season being over.

I'm sure you looked way cuter.

Kelli W said...

He looks so proud holding his trophy! And I always worry about someone else having on the same shirt as me...but to have on the exact same outfit would be really annoying!!

The Jennings said...

Isn't t-ball cute! It is easy to tell he is proud of the trophy!


heidi said...

Stupid outfit copier. Get your own style. Rude.

WTG Jack!!