Tuesday, June 30, 2009

True Story Tuesday - Melody and the diaper disaster.

I decided to join in on the fun this week. Go check out Once Upon A Miracle for more True Story Tuesday.

What I'm about to post here is a true story. No, I'm not particularly proud of it and it's not one of my finest parenting moments, but it's pretty fitting considering my
post from yesterday.

Last week, when Melody awoke from her nap, I noticed her diaper was still dry. Obviously, I didn't change it but made a mental note to change it after her snack.

We had our snack and then jumped in the car to run some errands that should take about 20 minutes but will take a minimum of an hour loading and unloading three children numerous times quick errands.

Just as I bucked Melody in, I remembered I hadn't changed her diaper. I quickly felt it and realized it still wasn't that wet and decided I would change it when we got back.

After coming home and unloading a few groceries, etc, I went upstairs to start dinner. The kids were happily playing on the deck. Alex got home from work and changed clothes for his new evening ritual; taking the kids and the dog for walk.

About 20 minutes later, they walked back in the house.

"Melody's going commando." Alex told me.

"Why?" I seriously hadn't the faintest idea.

"We were walking and all of a sudden Melody said, 'there's something wrong with my diaper!' I turned around and half of her diaper had come undone and the other half had fallen down on one of her ankles!"


I think a sign of potty-training readiness is when the parent is pretty much unwilling to change the child's diaper!


Bren said...

Yeah - I guess when we don't actually CHANGE the diaper, the kids get tired of wearing them right?

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Love it.......particularly Melody saying there was something wrong with her diaper! lol.....
Definitely sounds like a sign to me.......I'm so there with you....

steph said...

I have had similar moments but mine result in R going why is there water on my leg? !
here's to both kiddos potty training well and SOON!

lsnellings said...

That story is just as funny the second time I am hearing it!

heidi said...

Oh no! LOL

Erin said...

Is that the trick??!?! Just let them stay in it tell they need to take them off themselves or they just fall off!??! I might have to try it!!

Kelli said...

Ooh, maybe I should try this method.

Rachel said...

That's too funny. We all have those days when stuff gets away from us...
In my case, my mother-in-law put Itty Bit's diaper on INSIDE OUT (I kid you not) and he looked totally confused when he soaked his pants through. We all cracked up about it - what can you do but laugh?

Thanks for joining in - this was too funny!

Kelli W said...

That is too funny! Poor thing probably didn't know what was going on when her diaper started falling off! I love that Alex said she was going commando! Sounds just like a man!

Kimber said...

That is hilarious. I loved the part about her saying there's something wrong with her diaper too.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Too funny..although slightly troubling that she wasn't bothered by the pee in her diaper!

Eve said...

Oh no - poor thing. That is too funny!

Foursons said...

Been there, done that. 10 lb. diapers were not unusual in my house! (Although I would never admit that.)

Jen said...

don't feel too bad, my kids have saggy wet diapers all the time.

Carrie said...

Guess it's time to buy some super cute princess panties! LOL! I think after you have the second child, they are able to take care of themselves! haha!

Twisted Cinderella said...

LOL too funny. Princess Belle had an awful habit of taking off her diaper when she was little!

Pam said...

You're darn right there was something wrong with that diaper! LOL. That's TOO funny.

And I agree with Krystyn, she wasn't bothered by the sheer amount she had squirted in there, yet it falling off was clearly wrong in her 2 year old mind. I wish you MUCH luck with her potty training come the end of July!