Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I just can't let it go

Ok, I'm sorry, but I just can't let it go. I have to vent talk about the Bachelorette!

Warning: spoiler ahead! If you watch Bachelorette but haven't seen last night's episode, skip the next paragraph.

Ok, so, I am so beyond ticked off that Jillian kicked off Jake! I mean, come on! Does it sound like a good idea to anyone to kick off a guy who Jillian said herself is "perfect"? Jake has integrity, is industrious, compassionate, a good listener, and HOT beyond belief. Um, hello! I totally am Team Jake for the next Bachelor.

This season is just a train wreck. Ok, in all honesty they all have been train wrecks with the exception of Ryan and Trista. Which brings me to my idea...

The Bachelors and Bachelorettes have obviously been making poor decisions and choices. Out of however many seasons only one has been able to make the relationship last more than a few months.

In watching this season and last season with Jason, I have realized that they are focused on the wrong issues and ask the wrong questions. For example, Jillian is all concerned about someone being "adventurous" and "spontaneous". Yet, she wants a family and children soon. Sadly, those things don't mix. There's really nothing adventurous about changing diapers. And it's hard to be spontaneous when your baby needs to eat every three hours. She needs to be focused on what type of career her potential spouse has and how he feels about his career. She also needs to ask about his family values, religious beliefs, and parenting thoughts.

And while on the surface she seems to be concerned about compatibility, when push comes to shove, she's all about "the spark" Last night she even said to Reid, "I am concerned that we don't have that much in common but I can't deny there's a spark". Um, again, HELLO! That "spark" is not going to be there forever, Jillian. And when it's gone you're going to be left with a guy who has a completely different lifestyle from you. Then what? Splitsville.

So, that's the problem with the show. What can we do to fix it?

Simple; bring in a marriage counselor. I haven't thought as far as to how it would affect each episode, but the basic premise is that on every one on one date, a counselor would be there for part of it. Their job would be to guide the questions to be applicable to real life and help them focus on the issues that truly affect relationships/marriage. I also think that the Bachelorette or Bachelor needs to have one on one sessions with the counselor to help them sort out their feelings. I mean, how many times have we heard Jillian say, "I'm just so confused right now." Or, "I didn't realize this would be so hard." I don't think her little chats with Chris are cuttin' it.

Whew! It feels good to get that off my chest.

Don't even get me started on Jon and Kate.


Kelli W said...

This is so funny to me...I don't watch the Bachelorette, but I have a friend that loves it! I can hear her saying the exact same thing!! The funny thing is...most people watch shows like that to see the train wreck and not the happy ending {sad, but true}! I so wanted to post something about Jon and Kate...but I'm afraid I'll sound too mean!

Summer said...


1) Jillian has lost ALL of my sympathy.

2) Jake needs to move on because he's too good for Jillian.

3) Wes needs the Chinese Water Torture.

4) Reid needs to be on meds.

5) Jake needs to move back here to Dallas...woo me...win me over, find out how AMAZING I am...marry ME and be done with it!

That's all I have to say about that....

Erin said...

HELP ME! First I was bawling at watching Jon and Kate! Then Jillian makes this stupid move! I can not wait for next week and to see what he has to say when he comes back!

I did notice her and Jake never really MADE out ( but thats not really him) and so i didnt think they had they sexual spark!

What in the world did Wes say, I couldnt understand while the Bleep Bleep Bleeps where going on!

Why don't the guys man up and talk to her together about WES!!


ok now i got it out


Twisted Cinderella said...

I don't watch The Bachelorette but your idea makes perfect sense to me.

lsnellings said...

I don't watch the bachelorette but that is a very good idea! And it has taken all of my will power not to blog about jon and kate! I could not stop talking to/yelling at the tv last night.

Grammy said...

Why are you talking about the Bachelorette when you could be talking about your sweet and funny kids....the Bachelorette is NOT real!

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Ha......you're too funny! I think Summer up there in these comments hit it on the head.........as did you.....

And actually, the hope is that changing diapers isn't adventurous....you know, like diaper full of poo and no wipes in sight. Those aren't fun adventures! lol...

I do watch the show, but only because it's how I keep myself occupied while I do my extremely boring job in a cube........I never have time to watch TV at home.....thank goodness for shows on the internet, or I'd have missed half of Lost........

Anyway, Jillian is definitely messing up earlier than some of the others did........I mean, she took Wes and dumped Jake....that was the worst move......

I have to say that things are much better in the Twilight books..........I just started book 4!

Lisa said...

Reminds me of whats her name. DeAnna? Picking "fun" Jesse. ugh.

Heidi Boos said...

Yeah. I'm a little frustrated with it all, too. (And J & K, plus 8!). I swear every season that I won't watch it and then I get sucked in and then I get extremely dissappointed with the outcome. Whatever. I think I might be done. Probably. I'm pretty sure I won't watch it next season. ;)