Tuesday, July 14, 2009

True Story Tuesday - Stalling

Melody is about the easiest child to put to bed. She always has been. Even as a baby, I would just lay her down. Hardly ever any crying. It's always been a simple, easy process with her that I love

Until lately.

Like any true two-year old she's beginning to master the art of stalling. Normally our bedtime routine is simple; bath, brushing teeth, jammies, book, song, bed. A few days ago, though, she surprised me by asking for a drink of water right as I was walking out of the room. It was hot and we had been playing outside a lot, so I went into the bathroom, got a cup and gave it to her. She drank what she wanted and I left the room.

The next night same thing.

The following night yet again with the water.

Same thing the fourth night. I'm starting to feel like a sucker at this point.

The following night, I tell her before we read our book, "Melody, if you want another drink you need to get it right now." She ran into the bathroom and got a cup of water and drank about a sip of it before pouring it out and coming back in to read.

And then, just as I was closing the door I hear, "Mama, I need a dwink of wa-der."
"No, Melody, we've already had all the water we need." As I shut the door, I heard this sweet little voice say, "Oh may-an!"


In other Melody news, potty training commenced today. Please, say a prayer for us. So far we've had no accidents. However, it's only been about 20 minutes.


woman who roars said...

Where do they learn phrases like "oh man?"
Melody is clearly just too smart - can you see the wheels turning in her mind today as she figures out what else she can add to the bedtime routine to draw it out?

Like asking to use the potty!!!

Good luck with the rest of today - here's to dry undies and no puddles!

lsnellings said...

Jack taught Libby to say "oh man" too!

Kelli said...

She sounds adorable. WE need to get going with potty training for Caleb. I'll be praying for you.

Kelli W said...

Too cute! Good luck with the potty training today...I love that you haven't had any accidents yet! Even if it has only been 20 minutes!

Erin said...

I understand the stalling!! I need to stop giving Alex milk before bed! We are starting potty training as well and so far no accidents but so far its been about 20 minutes as well.

Do you give her treats when she goes, how are you handling that. I brought 5 extra outfits to work today! We are staying in all day but man I don't know if I am ready for this!

Kelly said...

Good luck with potty training!

Jessica said...

Hi! I recently found your blog & have really enjoyed it! Good luck with the potty training! And that "oh may-an!" is too precious!!

Foursons said...

HA! I'm sure she was thinking, Oh man-foiled again! You totally blew her scheming plan. Good luck with the potty training. Not fun, but always worth the money you save in diapers.

Momisodes said...

Oh the stalling. I remember that so well. It drove me nuts!

Best of luck with potty training. Stay strong, mommy. Stay strong.

Meant to be a mom said...

Oh no, Sounds like fun. Hopefully she'll quit that little charade soon. But its cute, when your not the one standing in the doorway trying to get her to go to sleep.

Also good luck on the potty training.

Rachel said...

Laughing... and wishing you had caught that on camera... it sounds priceless!

Thanks for linking up - this was too funny!

Kat said...

Hahaha! What a little cutie! :)

Good luck with the potty training!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Iz gets Matt with the stalling every time. Momma's mean and says "go to sleep!"

Twisted Cinderella said...

I laughed out loud at "Oh May-an!

Heidi Boos said...

Sounds a bit like my sweet little toddler. Love the "Oh may-an"!

Just within the last 3 weeks, it's all about "having to go potty" with Mikayla. I think it's because we finally told her that she can get out of bed if she needs to go to the bathroom (we're trying to work on night time potty breaks). Now, it's a regular thing that we'll see her 2-3 times right after we put her down, but thankfully she does her thing and then hops back into bed.

Gotta love that toddler sweetness...and creativity on ways to not have to go to bed! :)

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Oh yes, I'm getting that too!
I actually started having a water bottle with water by the bed that I fill up just before TigerBoy goes to bed. So I offer him a drink after the story...........
Not sure how helpful that will be down the road when he's working on nighttime potty training, but it makes it easy if he wants water, because it's already right there.............