Tuesday, July 21, 2009

not quite ready

In case any of you are wondering, here's where we stand on potty training...

Yep, that's a huggies on that adorable little fanny.
For those of you who have kept up with my blog or follow me on Facebook or Twitter, know that we were off to an awesome start. From day 1 she was excited to go to the potty and happily pranced into the bathroom every time that timer dinged.
By day 3 and 4, I thought it was kind of odd that she still wasn't actually, you know, asking to go to the potty, just expecting me to tell her. I didn't think too much of it though.
We, naturally, had a few accidents. Mostly All when we left the house for more than 20 minutes. That started getting a little frustrating.
Today, she woke up from her nap, extremely wet in a pull-up. Proceeded to potty on my friend, Kirsten's, floor without a second thought about 20 minutes later. The straw that broke the camel's back though was when she tee-teed in her pants while we were at the Farmer's Market (about 45 minutes post floor-peeing despite a potty break in between). Seriously, walking around with wet panties like she doesn't have a care in the world.
Now, I know what you're thinking, that I don't take her to the bathroom often enough. Believe me, we've been going literally every 1/2 hour.
It was there on the way to the Farmer's Market that I realize Melody was actually not potty trained. I was. Melody was just happy to tee-tee in the potty as long as I put her there every 30 minutes or so. Beyond that she was happy to go wherever she was.
Yeah, that doesn't really work for me. I mean it's hard enough potty train a child, but it's even harder when there's a 10 month old trying to climb into the toilet as your 2.5 year old is trying to use it. (Seriously, Charlie, what is your fascination with drinking from the toilet...even Luke doesn't do that!)
So, despite the fact that I feel like a complete failure, I've had to accept that she's just not quite ready. Fortunately, my mom, BFF, and many other friends as well, helped me put it all in perspective. I'm OK with it now. For now, Melody is just as happy as can be just the way she is...who am I to argue with that?!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Glad she's happy with it and you are okay with it!

And, I'm seriously considering pulling out the diapers after the next accident..it's getting old!

Grace said...

Hi Emily, you gave me a laugh on this post. :)
Your baby is so cute. :)

Gisela said...

That's how our initial trial into PT was. I waited a few more months, and then it just CLICKED! Hopefully it will be soon for Melody!

lsnellings said...

You are the best mom I know! In a few months Melody will be ready and it will be so easy!!

Bren said...

Maggie sits on the potty every day and has yet to GO! Funny how my mom go tus potty trained before age 2 but now it seems to take so much longer. When she's ready it will just click and all will be good. Don't be down - she's a smart cookie and will catch on!

~Sandy said...

Sooooooo cute!!!

Kelli said...

I'm sure it'll be just one day she'll wake up and be ready. It's amazing how that happens. Caleb has no cares about peeing in his pants either. Sigh. You are doing a great job!

Kelli W said...

Potty training is SO not fun! At least she is willing to sit on the potty for you...that is a good start! And there is no shame in going back to diapers for a while and waiting to see if she gets it a little better in a month or two! What is it with little boys and potties...Eli has found ours too and goes straight for the water if the lid is up! YUCK!

Matt said...

Our schedule seems to never be our kids' schedule... Good try. Success will be that much sweeter when she gets the hang of it.

Meant to be a mom said...

It sounds like she'll be ready in a few months. She's so cute, standing there with that goofy big smile. What a doll.

Jen said...

You should check out the book Potty Training 123 by Ezzo. It is a fabulous way to train her and your you.

Try, Try again, right. ;)

woman who roars said...

we tried 3x before it was the "right time" for Ben. But this last time, it was sooooo easy. He has an accident once in a while, but really grabbed the concept quickly and loves his underwear.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Belle wasn't really trained until she was three years old. But the last time we tried, it just clicked, it was so easy.

Her adorable little self will be ready when it is time for her.

Erin said...

We are still in diapers as well! I am going to try again when I have a week off in August!

Atleast she is smiling :)

Unknown said...

You never hear of kids going to prom still in diapers so I'm sure she'll be ready soon. :) Poor you - I so remember those days!

~signed, a mom of 4 who's been there

Rachel said...

I hear ya. And glad you are flexible about it. Same as everything else - all about timing and each kid is on their own pace.

Our own kiddo - we were told not to push potty training because of his kidney issues. So he blew us away at 20 months, wanting to pee in the toilet.

Then went through phases were he was completely disinterested.

He is like Melody - fine to try to go potty, but usually forgets to tell you. Tried the "turns cold when they're wet" pull ups? Those annoyed the heck out of our little guy and he wanted them OFF! LOL

Good luck with the rest of it!

The Dufour Family said...

Em - reading your post brings back lots of frustrating memories with Kate. We went through many months of ups and downs. I started when Kate was 2 and a half and about two months ago she finally got the drill.I know its a huge blow to the mommy ego when it doesn't work the way you want it to, but keep working with her - she will get there.