Sunday, April 19, 2009

a big girl and a big girl bed

For the past several days Melody has been whinning begging pleading to have "mah own big gur-rel bed!" Our evening have been going something like this;
Take a bath, brush teeth, and get jammies on. Then we crawl into Jack's bed to read a few books. Afterward Melody will say, "
I sleep in Jack's bed." To which I say, "No, you have your own bed." This statement will ensure a lot of hysterical crying to the tune of "I wanna a big gur-rel bed!"
So today we borrowed another crib mattress from a friend and got our toddler bed out of the attic. Melody was thrilled. Beyon
d thrilled actually. When Alex was finished putting it together, I called her upstairs, "Melody, your big girl bed is finished." "Let's see it!" she replied rushing upstairs. She immediately climbed in and said, "cover me up, I go sleep!"

Here's our little practice session.
After bath time, Melody was anxious to get in the bed. We read books in the big girl bed, said prayers, covered her up, and sang a song. Everyone kissed her good night. We left the room. I walked across the hall into the laundry room and heard Melody's doorknob try to turn. I opened up the door and she turned an ran right back to her bed. I told her if she got out of her bed again, she would have to go back into her crib. I haven't heard a peep since!

This is how I left her. Sweet dreams!


heidi said...

How freaking CUTE is that?!?! I just, today, moved B into Corban's room. Luck to both of us!

Kelli W said...

So cute!! Grant has been in his toddler bed for awhile, and he is just about to get too big for it! We are going to have to move him up to a twin bed soon!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, no! She already escaped!

She looks like such a doll. I hope it goes well.

lsnellings said...

I hope it goes well! She sure looks cute in her big gur-rel bed! (I really hope she always keeps that accent!)

Bren said...

Such a cute bed! She sure is a big gur-el!

Erin said...

How cute :)

Sarah said...

We also just made the big move fro the crib to toddler bed. Isn't it just the cutest thing to see them all snuggled into the little bed??!