Last week Lauren&Co came to visit.
(Like the picture? Melody and Libby are sporting some especially stellar Chandler smiles.)
(Like the picture? Melody and Libby are sporting some especially stellar Chandler smiles.)

And she brought something with her...
No, not the baby! The diaper.
No, not the baby! The diaper.
Yes, I've officially crossed over to the dark side or jumped on the cloth bandwagon (depending on how you look at it).
Charlie seems to be happy with the switch, don't you think?
Despite the fact that I've asked Lauren eleventy seven questions and she has willingly told me every thing she knows, I'm still feeling out the waters.
So, if anyone is in the know and has info to share, puh-lease leave me a comment and pass along some knowledge!
Charlie seems to be happy with the switch, don't you think?
Despite the fact that I've asked Lauren eleventy seven questions and she has willingly told me every thing she knows, I'm still feeling out the waters.
So, if anyone is in the know and has info to share, puh-lease leave me a comment and pass along some knowledge!
He looks like such a cutie in that orange diaper! I have no knowledge to pass along...we are disposable diaper people. I do vaguely remember huge safety pins that my mom had from when you used cloth diapers with me....but I'm sure things have changed a lot since then!
Wow your brave. I don't think I have the time, patience or need to do that lol! They are so cute and I wish I did but man I just don't think I could really do it! Proud of you though :) He looks happy and cute with that orange little butt!
What a cutie pie and yes he does look happier! Unfortunately, I have no advice - we used Pampers with the girls. But I am wishing you the best of luck!
Add me to the no advice column...Though looking back at all the money I spent on diapers with my three, I wish I had been a cloth diaper-er (is that a word? lol)
Charlie's adorable though!
He is so freaking adorable!! Look at those thighs!
I have no wisdom to impart...I was disposable all the way. Good luck. I hear there are a lot of covers and even inserts that you can find on etsy and ebay.
Nope... got nothing for ya. I'm a disposable quick! get that out to the trash can gal. He sure does look cute, though. ;) Good luck!
My own child has been out of diapers for over 20 years now BUT my cousin made her own cloth diapers a couple of years ago. She is crazy-creative like that. She was also a pretty well-known blogger (no not!) who I don't think is blogging right now I just realized. I will have to see if she'll share any of her tips and I'll pass them along. And I'm totally bummed that Charlie's belly and thighs are oh so precious on him and yet on me cause people to run away screaming in terror...{sigh}. Have a great 2010!
The only thing that I have to say is good luck with that. :)
Again, no advice from me, but I do have friends who do cloth and swear by it. Me, I handle enough poop and pee that cloth diapering just isn't appealing to me. Plus the laundry, DEAR GOD the laundry. I have heard bum genius are good diapers - that's what my friends use. And g diapers are disposable but flushable, I think, so maybe those would be good for going out? Also one friend I know uses disposables at night to help her daughter stay asleep and reduce diaper rash (since it's on their bottom for so long).
I'm sure you could find cloth diapering blogs! ha ah
And, one last thing, I have bought cloth "pull-ups" on etsy. THey were really reasonable, especially considering how much Pull-Ups are to buy and you throw them away!
Wow, that's great! I'm taking a break from cloth right now with some 7th Generation. Cleaning messy preschooler underpants (while potty training) and shorts AND washing diapers is just too much for me right now.... I'm bad.
Mmm - I admire your willingness to save the planet. I can't weigh in because I was never brave enough to try it. Your guy does look awfully happy, though. Good Luck and Happy New Year!
Been out of diapers for years. No help here, but those are pretty darn cute. He is adorable. Good luck!
Obviously, I'm no help. But seriously after just talking, Nat's diaper exploded this morning from too much pee. If only daycare would go to the dark side!
Oh he looks so cute!!! You will get the hang of it soon enough!
Charlie DOES seem quite happy! I'm sure it's the diapers!
I have nothing to offer on that subject...not that I don't think it's great...I just was not brave enough to try it! Good luck...he looks super cute! I have a feeling you will both accomplish some great stylish cloth diaper wearing fun!
I am wishing you the best of luck!
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Good luck...he looks so cute in that orange diaper.
Yay for you trying something new!! I wish I could, but I'm afraid of poop. HA! and laundry.
Good luck...he looks so cute in that orange diaper.
Yay for you trying something new!! I wish I could, but I'm afraid of poop. HA! and laundry.
That Charlie could NOT be more adorable!!!
Mrs. NB
Oh, I must be on the Light Side! lol Five children later my only advice is go back to disposables. Ug! I could never do the stink, and I just can't imagine why anyone wants to make more work for themselves. We're busy enough as it is! On the flip side...I wish you luck.
OH, that's great! I so wanted to use cloth diapers and did use a few....(I had the whole stash ready)...but in our living situation, it was just no practical....
Good luck!
Hoping I can use them for the next little one......But, right now, I'd just be happy for TigerBoy to get out of diapers!.....he's on the slow track for sure....
That is a CA UUUUUTE diaper! Is it minky?? Im jealous, I have a ton of stuff, but no minky! You know I'll answer any and all questions via twitter, facebook (wait.. are we fb friends?) or email!
Welcom to the dark side, sista!
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