Tuesday, November 3, 2009

True Story Tuesday and I'm not talking about you

This is a story from my childhood. I had actually forgotten about this until I read Kmama's True Story Tuesday last week. I'm not sure if my mom is going to appreciate me telling this story, but since I'm an adult now and it's my blog there's not a lot she can do about it. Except, of course, call me and get onto me for blogging about this. She can threaten not to keep the kids anymore but we all know that's an empty threat. Ahem, love you, Mom!

Anyway, when I was a teenager, probably 14 or so, my mom and I were shopping with my aunt and grandma. Mom and I went into the dressing room to try on a few things leaving Aunt Karen and Grandma to browse. We were sharing a dressing room and talking quietly since there were other people trying on clothes as well. As my mom is stepping into a pair of pants the lady in the dressing room next to us totally lets one rip. It is seriously loud and disgusting! My mom looks at me (with her pants half on) and mouths "GROSS!!" The offending lady quickly gathers her things and hightails out of there. Being the nosy person I am was, I peak out of the room as she leaves.

A while later we are standing in line to make our purchases. There is a lady at the counter and then one other lady waiting and then us. The lady at the counter is none other than, dum-da-da-dum, poot-lady!

I whisper to my mom, "That's the lady that pooted!" "Are you sure?" Mom whispers back. "What are y'all talking about?" asks my aunt who's just as nosy as I am. "That lady paying was in the dressing room next to us and had the loudest poot ever." we told her.

While this conversation is taking place, the lady in between us and poot-lady keeps glancing over her shoulder at us. By this point, poot-lady has walked away but we are still talking about her. The lady in front of us starts to walk away, glancing over her shoulder at us one more time.

"I think that lady in front of us thought we were talking about her." I said to my mom. "Oh, no!" says Mom, who's pretty much the nicest person ever, "I feel so bad." "Go apologize" I encourage her. So my mom walks over to the lady and says, "Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know we weren't talking about you." The lady just looks at her. "We were talking about someone else" Mom explains. The lady just kind of looked at her and walked off. I'm sure she didn't believe her since my aunt and I were standing there watching and cracking up at the whole thing!

Head on over to Rachel's place for some more true stories!

I plan on having Part 2 of my Ask Me Anything post up tomorrow...I know you'll be on pins and needles waiting!


lsnellings said...

That is so your mom to go apologize to a complete stranger that you weren't even talking about! LOL!

Brandi said...

Love it! That is too funny... that lady probably thought y'all were nuts! ;)

Kelli W said...

Hilarious! I SO would have looked out the door too!

Kelli said...

That is so funny! Eww...poot lady.

Brandi said...

How funny is that. My mom was just like yours though.

Kmama said...

I'm glad I served as inspiration! LOL

I love that your mom felt compelled to go over and apologize. That is priceless.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

That is hilarious! :) Poor poot lady!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That is too funny. I love that she said "we were talking about somebody else!"

It's hard not to get caught in a situation like this.

SouthernDogwoods said...

Priceless!!! I love that your mom went over and apologized (my mom would do the same thing!)
So funny! Farting stories are the best!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Definitely priceless. So glad this meme is happening today. Otherwise, I would have missed this fabulous story.

I do believe your tale is exactly why blogs were created. :)

Angie said...

Poot lady. I'd hate to be known as poot lady...ha!

Pam said...

To funny. Priceless story.

{Kimber} said...

Poot lady--haaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaa
that IS FUNNY!

Meant to be a mom said...

Hah, thats a great story. Your poor mom must have felt terrible. But that story is really funny.

Momisodes said...

Your mom is such a sweetheart for approaching her.

I'm so sorry, but I'm still giggling a little over the usage of "Poot"

Tee hee.

He & Me + 3 said...

That is just too funny. Why do I think that poot stories are so funny. I must be 12. LOL Cracking up at the loudest poot ever. :) Funny story!

Foursons said...

Hahahaha- Poor thing, y'all probably ruined her day! But it sure is funny! hahaha

Mr. Daddy said...

I can not believe that you guppied your poor Mom into apologizing...

you should be ashamed.... *snicker*

Rachel said...


Oh geez... that is too funny. I am cracking up about the other lady your mom apologzied to! I'm amazed she didn't bust up laughing.

I mean... why would she think you guys were talking about her anyway? Unless SHE also pooted in the dressing room, ha ha ha ha.

Sorry... sleep deprivation makes many things funny :)

Thanks for joining up - and Mom... don't be too hard on her - we all needed a good laugh :)

Jen said...

LOL! This was too funny.