A while ago, Alex and I had decided to swap Melody and Charlie's bedrooms.
Melody's room was right next to Jack's and we thought it would be best for the boys to be next to each other. Plus, Charlie's bedroom was bigger and Melody deserves the bigger bedroom...let's be honest, she does have to put up with two brothers.
Alex took the kids to Grandmother's house for the weekend, while I stayed home for some R&R to be here for the painters. (I know, my husband does rock!)
Since my painters work fast, I had plenty of time to rearrange the rooms and swap the furniture. It was all pretty easy (since they actually barely have any furniture) until I came to disassembling and reassembling the crib. As you all know, a crib will not fit through a doorway so it has to be taken down to be moved. I was on a roll and (anyone who knows me will attest to this) had no intention of stopping until their rooms were situated. Plus, I had seen my husband set up the crib numerous times in the past 6 years and it never looked all that difficult.
Looking back, thinking that was probably my first mistake.
It was quite a long *ahem, 2 hours, ahem* process and, in the spirit of educating others, I'd thought I'd share my new found knowledge with the blog world.
- When opening the drill case, make sure it's not upside down. If it is, the contents will spill everywhere.
- Drills have a lot of small parts. If you lose one, it will take forever and a day to find it.
- You don't actually need a drill to assemble a crib (at least not my crib.)
- Google is very informative. Without it I would not know what an allen wrench is.
- You do need an allen wrench to assemble a crib.
- Before starting this process, take a long, honest look in the mirror. If nothing about you screams handyman, it might be best to defer the responsibility to someone else.

(Don't worry, a pictures of Melody's room are coming, but it will be another few weeks before we have her new furniture.)

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Very cool! Congrats on accomplishing it. So, does Melody like her new room? Can't wait to see it.
Glad you were able to do it...and Charlie has survived sleeping in it all week!
so she likes her new room? cant wait!
Ooooooh aaaaaaah! I am thoroughly impressed with you! Can't wait to see Melody's room. :)
I know just what you mean! I'm usually the one who puts things together because I want it all done...and now! It looks great! Can't wait to see Melody's room! Emily informed me that she wants her room painted pink...I hate to paint...I told her it will be awile!
Good job! I am so UNHANDY that I would have given up immediately. Can't wait to see Melody's new room!
Ha! That made me laugh -- because you described me to a "T"
The first step is always to make the situation a little worse.
I remember the time we put the crib together outside the room we wanted it in. BAA HAA what a pain in the butt. i have had much experience with crib assembly. LOL
Looks good. Can't wait to see Melody's room.
wow, deep exhale. Don't you feel great? I bet you want to jump up and get a high five! great job for getting the crib together!!
Can't wait to see Melody's room. The big reveal!
Lol! You did good!
But what I'm most impressed with (sorry to take anything away from the beautifully re-put-together crib) is the lack of clutter in the room. So neat and tidy!
Well, it's awesome you tried! Googling allen wrench and everything! Taking it apart and putting it back together...! Hope the painting goes great.
Ahhhh. The dread crib reassembly process. We've put ours up and down so many times I'm sure the thing is medically unsafe. Luckily we've moved on to using it as a toddler bed the toddler only sleeps in like twice a week. It's sad when your kid's bed is so rickety that he prefers to just sleep on the floor! I should know:)! But yours looks great even if you did have to Google allen wrench.
I am not allowed to touch any tools of PJ's for those reasons - they always spill out, get lost, etc.
So glad you got it back together. What a cute room
Look at your work!! Awesome. I have never assembled our crib (we only did that once...never took it down), however, I have had to move the platform up and down and that requires the use of the DREADED allen wrench. ours came with it's own allen wrench, which we keep in the changing table so we don't lose it.
The crib will be coming down soon though. :-(
haha! Yeah, I'm not sure if I could do that - good for you, momma!!
I am impressed...oooohhh...aaaahhhh! I would have had pieces everywhere and been in the middle of them crying when Rondell got home. I let him stick to the assembly. Way to go!!
Way to go! Super impressive :)
That is SO how things go at our house, too! = )
LOL! I would have never tried that without my hubby because I would have gotten frustrated and quit after an hour! I am SUPER impressed that you did it all by yourself! I can't wait to see Melody's new room:)
Oh good job! It would take me several hours too. And yes girls, especially girls with two brothers deserve the biggest room :)
Oh so much fun re-doing rooms. I do it often with the help of my kids. glad you won and the crib was reassembled.
Standing ovation for you, Girl! Way to go! Can't wait to see Melody's room!
That was so ambitious and impressive!
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