Thursday, March 25, 2010

PSF and the Euro

I have zero blogging material. Less than zero.

While it should be spring and we should be out frolicking among the blooming flowers, it has actually been cold. And rainy. And we've been suck inside doing the same old stuff we have for the few months.

Y'all have already seen pictures and heard stories about that. It's old news. So, as a result, I have no blogging material.

So instead you're getting a story about my brother while on our Italy trip.

While in Italy, my parents, brother Andy, and I decided to take a day trip to Gubbio while my brother, Ben, and Alex chillaxed at the villa.

Gubbio was awesome. We took this topless bird-cage like cable car to the top of the mountain.

We were really high up and the view was cool.

This is my dad pretending to fall off the edge. Hilarious, no?

And this is the patron saint of Gubbio, Ubaldo. Despite the fact that he has been dead since the 1100s, his body is in remarkable condition. It is considered one of his miracles.

When we got back, we walked into the villa to find the table covered in an empty wine bottle and many empty beer bottles and these drunks dudes engrossed in a bocce tournament.

Later on we went out for dinner and enjoyed some conversation that drove my dad crazy interesting conversation. At one point during dinner, Ben caught a little bug flying around and asked what we would give him if we ate it.
(Yes, this is a true story.)
So, I said a Euro.
Apparently, he'll do anything for a Euro.

(This is Ben holding the prized Euro)

So, what would you do for a Euro?

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily


He & Me + 3 said...

Too funny and yet gross. That bird cage thingy looked so scary to ride on. I am terrified of heights. I would quack like a duck for a Euro. LOL Reminds me of the Klondik commercials.

Foursons said...

Ewwwww! A euro. Yeah, not quite enough for me.

Jessica said...

Wow it looks beautiful! The bird cage thing looks like fun, but a little scary!

Mom24 said...

So, so jealous here. :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Wow...look at the sights. Well, most of them:)

I guess it depends what a Euro is worth. I'm thinking like 50 cents. I wouldn't do much for that!

Cecily R said...

When I have nothing to blog about (which seems to be something that happens a lot lately) I don't have an awesome trip to Italy and shirtless bocce players to fall back on. Geez. Color me jealous!!

Unknown said...

What would I do for a euro? Ask a stranger to pose for me : ) That is what I would do!

Kmama said...

LOL at your dad pretending to fall off the edge. That is totally something my dad would do!!

Jen said...

Totally cool pics, dude. ;)

lsnellings said...

Does Alex know that you posted that picture of him? It is not his best pose! lol!

Ben would probably have eaten the bug for free!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I was impressed that he caught a flying bug!

Chris said...

You really have to ask?

Have you read about the stupid things I do? No one has paid me anything so far.

The drunk bocce tournament is cracking me up -- and the picture is disturbing me a little...

SouthernDogwoods said...

Ewww! Definitely not eat a bug. Too funny!

Kelli W said...

That sounds like an interesting trip! There is no way I would get in one of those birdcage things...and the dead body kind of weirds me out! Did he buy anything good with that Euro?!?

Angie said...

I love the pics of your trip! Amazing :)

I'm thinking I wouldn't eat a bug for a Euro...blech!

woman who roars said...

One day...far far into the should tell this story at his wedding.

I'll give you a euro to do it!

Kris said...

Beautiful pics.

And Gross on the bug.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Great pics! What a great post for someone with nothing to post about.

latree said...

can I get a euro by commenting here? :D

HeatherOz said...

How much is a Euro worth? Is that something I should know? oops!
Pretty sure I wouldn't eat a bug for a Euro! Looks like a really fun trip!