We are a family of bookworms.
I've always been a bookworm. Jack was born with the bookworm gene and Melody has developed a love of books as well. I've even converted Alex into (mostly) a bookworm.
This is a small sample of the books currently on my reading list. I've blogged before about my favorite books as well.
Charlie was the black sheep in the family. He was not a natural book lover. And despite our consistent efforts of reading to him daily, he was totally uninterested.
Enter the Doggy Book.
He received this book for his birthday and he will read it over and over and over.
He's still not crazy about other books but he's warming up. Now he'll sit and listen to a few pages of a different book before getting the doggy book.
I guess that's a start, right?
I've always been a bookworm. Jack was born with the bookworm gene and Melody has developed a love of books as well. I've even converted Alex into (mostly) a bookworm.
This is a small sample of the books currently on my reading list. I've blogged before about my favorite books as well.
Charlie was the black sheep in the family. He was not a natural book lover. And despite our consistent efforts of reading to him daily, he was totally uninterested.
Enter the Doggy Book.
He received this book for his birthday and he will read it over and over and over.
He's still not crazy about other books but he's warming up. Now he'll sit and listen to a few pages of a different book before getting the doggy book.
I guess that's a start, right?

Ohmygoodness! Charlie is the cutest thing ever reading his doggy book:)
Well, with that happy grin, I would have to read it to him too! Adorable!
Glad I could contribute to the intellectual development of my godson! How does he feel about the Truck book?
What a sweetie. He is so cute! I can totally tell from the pictures that he loves that book. That was how my son was too..but he is reading at the age of 4 and loving it.
It's books like that that I have a love hate relationship with. Love them for fostering a love for reading in kids, hate them because I have to read them over and over and over. And over again.
Charlie is the cutest!
My reading comes and goes. I will read for awhile then I will not read again for months. Loved to read to my kids but they usually got stuck on the same books ....over and over again. Amber's fav was The Best Nest and my son loved I Wish I Had Duck Feet......there were times that I had to hide those books just so I could read something else to them.
how sweet!! :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I love that he loves his puppy book so much. What a cutie he is holding that too. Such a sweetie : )
He is soooo adorable. That looks like a great book!
That's so cute! I've been thinking of getting that book for my granddaughter.
Adorable pictures! I could read all day if I didn't have any responsibilities. ;)
My kiddos love anything to do with dogs too. Their latest love is Scooby Doo - and I tell ya, those books are painful to read. Adorable pics!
He's HOOKED! Nothing like a good book.
He's so sweet! And what's not to like about that book? He gets to enjoy all those lovable puppies with out all the pawing and drool.
What a cute book...I love how big it is! ;)
He's adorable! I love his smile...and so sweet that he loves this book! We still laugh when Alex LOVED The Very Hungry Caterpillar and could 'read' it from memory and he said the words so cute! Aw...I miss that!
Charlie is SO cute with the dog book! I miss those days.. My kids are snooping around in my books nowadays!
My wife and I are both big readers -- it was a thrill (and a relief) when our kids also learned the love of casual readin.
READING. I meant reading.
I love Charlie! I think Doggy Book is a GREAT start ;)
I love the smile on his face as he is reading the doggy book! Awesome! He will come around and be a big reader too! :)
So sweet and awesome that your kiddos love to read!
Aww. He's so cute.
My kids love to read too. Buster will even sneak away and we'll find him upstairs in his room, rocking in his chair with some books. It's super sweet.
I love books and definitely passed on the passion for books to the girls. So glad Charlie found a great book that he fell in love with.
"The Help" is an awesome read! Great book!
My first son LOVED books from the get-go. My second boy... not so much. But as he's gotten bigger that has started to change. Now every morning he comes to my room and brings me a book to read!
So give it time and he may come around.
Cute pictures! I am a book worm as well, wish I had more time to live out my nature!
So cute...it must be his matching doggy shirt, too!
Our girls are both serious bookworms!
Love his smile! And yep it's a start.. a drive you crazy that you have to read it again and again, but a start :)
looks like he's off to a good start
I love Wuthering Heights too.
Kaye-the road goes ever ever on
Awww, that's so cute! Love that smile!
Aw, he's SO cute....
Aw, so great that you found a book that he loves! It is a great start to a love of books I'm sure!
For the longest time my boys only liked books so they could rip them. It made me so upset. FINALLY, they are starting to take more interest in the books themselves. Whew! ;)
Adorable pics! Such a cutie! :)
what a good boy!! My lil one is just getting into reading,she used to act like it was punishment! lol... Great book :) xoxo LA
Aw! Maybe he will be a veterinarian! That looks like a fun book.
Such a cute little bookworm in training!
So sweet! Looks like you may have a book lover on your hands here :)
move 'same kind of different as me' right up to the top - well, below the bible. it is awesome!!!
We need to be more bookwormish!!
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