Time for True Story Tuesday over at Once Upon A Miracle!
Before Christmas, Melody's preschool lets all the kids "shop" for their parents. They have a little "Santa Shop" set up, the kids come in with a dollar and "buy" donated gifts for their parents.
It's super cute. When they bring their (wrapped) gift home most of them cannot contain their excitement and spill the beans right away.
Jack was one of those kids.
His first year of preschool he immediately told Alex he got him "sompin that you put da muney in." It was a John Deere bank!
Melody, however, didn't say a word. She's actually not some phenomenal secret keeper, she's just kind of indifferent. Her theory is; if it's not a cupcake, I just don't care that much.
So, Alex was really surprised when he opened his gift.

Yes, that's a car air freshener. A Georgia car air freshener to be precise. Which is totally ironic since we're about the biggest Auburn fans ever.
Alex asked her why she got him a Georgia car air freshener. (This was after Jack looked at it and exclaimed, "Dad, we hate Georiga!)
"It's not goes in da car. It fo-ur da twee. Here. You wet me hang it up hi-gh."
Yes, Melody got her daddy a Christmas tree ornament designed to make our tree smell like a new car (or a taxi cab). I'm not sure if it will be Alex's favorite ornament, but I know we'll hang it on the tree every year!
Yes, Melody got her daddy a Christmas tree ornament designed to make our tree smell like a new car (or a taxi cab). I'm not sure if it will be Alex's favorite ornament, but I know we'll hang it on the tree every year!
Cracking me up!! Alex is such a good sport!
She is too funny.
That is soooo cute. I can only imagine that conversation.
Ohmygosh - I am still totally cracking up about the "if it's not a cupcake, she just doesn't care"... that was classic!
Stinkin' (literally) hilarious that she got Alex that... and that she thought it was an ornament! She is never gonna live that one down, right? (Though why would she want to - it's so funny!) Thanks for linking up!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Melody sounds adorable : ) I like any girl that appreciates a nice cup cake : ).
This is such a great story! Really, really great. I love that you typed it all up on your blog so you can remember it FOREVER! : )
That is the cutest story :)
Let the Auburn brainwashing commence!!
You (or maybe Melody - not sure) owe me a keyboard. Note to self: No more drinking coffee while reading TSTs. That was hiLARious! And I can totally picture you having to put that on the tree for years to come. Great story!
Hilarious! I can't believe he actually hung it on the tree...and I love that Jack already knows to hate the other teams! Melody's theory is too funny...if it's not a cupcake, I just don't care that much...she sounds alot like my middle one!
oh wow...that is HILARIOUS!!!!
So funny
Oh my goodness that is just so cute!!! I love these stories that you tell!
BHAHAHAHAHA! Ok...tears rolling down my cheeks right now.... :)
Oh, Emily. You have got to start indoctrinating...I mean teaching your children better. WAR EAGLE!
Oh that is too cute & sweet of her! I love that he hung it on the tree just for her!
That is just three kinds of awesome...maybe four. SO cute!
Oh, and P.S. I sort of feel the same way about cupcakes. :)
That is HILARIOUS. I can totally hear her saying that, too.
Dat is so cute...I love the way she talks. What a thoughtful little girl you have and I am with her...if it isn't a cupcake then who cares. LOL
atleast your tree will smell nice year after year:)
She is so cute! What a very thoughtful gift!
That is the cutest thing EVER!
THAT is freakin' hilarious!!! HAHAHA! OMG! Well, at least she didn't get him a BAMA 'ornament.' ;)
LOL!!! How funny...love that story!
Um your kids are just so dang hilarious!
I love this one!
LMFAOOOOO! OMG, I am DYING over here! That is priceless. Take good care of that ornament, cause when she moves out, it can go on HER tree!
That is hilarious! That will be the best story to tell year after year! I love it! She's a sweetheart :)
I'm all about the indifference....I'm a 'if it's not a cupcake I don't care kinda girl' too!!!
Very cute and I love that it will go on the tree from now on!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I love the cupcake quote too. That is so sweet/ironic! Kids have a way of doing things and having NO IDEA what is going on, don't they? LOL At least the smell will fade in a while? lol
That is so funny and I love the way you tell it!
That is too funny - knowing how much you guys love Auburn. And I love that it is an ornament now!
that's the best story ever. priceless.
Just catching up on the blog here. This is too funny, isn't Georgia one of Auburns BIGGEST rivals? What a memory, she will look at this and laugh one day!
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