This was the scene outside our front door Friday morning. I know this is small beans for some people, but for those of us who live in the deep south, this is serious snow! It was so cold, actually, that most of the snow had frozen into ice. Actually, 72+ hours later we still have some snow on the ground! (In fact, I don't known when we've had a colder winter. It's been mostly below freezing (even during the day) for over a week now. I feel like I'm never going to get warm!)

Since school shuts down at the mere threat of snow, we knew Thursday that we wouldn't have school Friday.
Once I got over the disappointment of not having school the same week we went back to school, we planned some fun activities.
Obviously the first thing we did was go outside and play. And I literally mean the first thing.
These next few photos were taken around 8:05 a.m. And it was 17 degrees out. By 8:15 we were back inside!
However, we did a lot in those ten minutes!
We "skated" on the ice on the road.

My angel made made snow-angels.

We tried to make snowballs but the snow was too dry and powdery.

And we wrote our names in the snow. (No, not like that! Gross!)
After thawing out, Alex left for work. The kids and I decided to walk to Kroger and Blockbuster. I have no pictures of that. It's really hard to push a double stroller on ice while trying to help a 5-year-old ride a scooter on ice without having to worry about taking pictures too. I was hoping that a walk/scooter ride would tire people out, however, I think I was the only one tired out!
Fortunately, Daddy came home early and took Jack and Melody ice-sledding!
Yes, those are laundry baskets they are in. (Alex's idea, not mine, but they worked!)

And finally we had a little home improvement time! My handsome, handy hubby replaced our broken kitchen faucet. (He's got one eye on the football game, of course!)

Since school shuts down at the mere threat of snow, we knew Thursday that we wouldn't have school Friday.
Once I got over the disappointment of not having school the same week we went back to school, we planned some fun activities.
Obviously the first thing we did was go outside and play. And I literally mean the first thing.
These next few photos were taken around 8:05 a.m. And it was 17 degrees out. By 8:15 we were back inside!
However, we did a lot in those ten minutes!
We "skated" on the ice on the road.

My angel made made snow-angels.

We tried to make snowballs but the snow was too dry and powdery.

And we wrote our names in the snow. (No, not like that! Gross!)

After thawing out, Alex left for work. The kids and I decided to walk to Kroger and Blockbuster. I have no pictures of that. It's really hard to push a double stroller on ice while trying to help a 5-year-old ride a scooter on ice without having to worry about taking pictures too. I was hoping that a walk/scooter ride would tire people out, however, I think I was the only one tired out!
Fortunately, Daddy came home early and took Jack and Melody ice-sledding!
Yes, those are laundry baskets they are in. (Alex's idea, not mine, but they worked!)

And finally we had a little home improvement time! My handsome, handy hubby replaced our broken kitchen faucet. (He's got one eye on the football game, of course!)
Like you said to some of us that is nothing . . because looking out my door there is like 12 inches or more of snow!! :) But how exciting that they got to play in the snow and I love all the pictures! Stay Warm!!!
I'm so jealous! We didn't get any snow, just the cold weather without the fun.
We got almost 8 inches on Thursday but no snow day here - guess we are used to it! Glad your kids got to enjoy the snow though! Sorry it's so cold for you - I guess it's weird - probably like if it were 80 here for a week in January (though taht would be AWESOME!). Stay warm!!!
I love the laundry baskets. LOL
I'm assuming Kroger and Blockbuster are your dogs?? I laughed because we have a grocery store chain in Michigan called Kroger and Blockbuster video is right next door. LOL
I'm STILL cold! Brrrrrr.....
You are braver than me. We stayed inside all day. Too cold for me!
And, that picture of A is hilarious. Two tool boxes? That's funny to me!
Such cute pictures! I love the one of Melody making the snow angel! We did not have a snow day...and I was so disappointed! I was really hoping we would at least get a few flurries, but all we got was COLD!
They are so cute all bundled up...I love that...although always so hard preparing to go out! We, of course had 2 snow days last week too...and are to get 1-2 more inches tonight...but hopefully we'll still have school! I need to get our routine back, fast! Looked like a fun day...but wow, that's almost colder than it is here! brrr!
no I NEVER have a snow day. we never meet snow... :D
I'm so jealous. it looks FUN
We got lots of snow, but no snow day. The kids were disappointed. Cute pictures. I love the snow angel one and the laundry baskets. Cute. WE used to use pans. LOL mY mom hated that.
ha ha! What an awesome day!
I went grocery shopping with all four - and survived to tell the tale.
Bribes were, of coures, required. The minivan was covered in crumbs.
Please order a snow day for us???!!!!
Love the laundry basket idea. Our neighbors gave us their 20 year old sled last year after a big snow storm. We used it that week and haven't had the chance since.
No! We sure didn't get a snow day. I've been seeing everyone else's snow days on my blog surfing though. All I can do is dream! We are one of the only areas in the country that isn't freezing. It was 71degrees today and it is supposed to be 75 tomorrow. Don't be jealous, I'll be sure to let you know when it is 110+ here!
No snow days here in the Lone Star State...but, most of our snow comes around February or March (and by "most of our snow"...I mean the fact that it may snow once)
Snow?! Wow! Nope, no snow here. We keep having those weird cold days with warm days in between, which is totally DRIVING ME CRAZY!
I'm sure that has to shut the city down when it snows. I can't believe all of the places that are getting snow. It is really cute that you all took full advantage of it! We had a snow day on Friday and the kids just relaxed all day.
we just had Ice warnings and they cancelled we left town in search of snow {how crazy are we?!}
we found it too!
love the names in the snow!
You guys are too funny. We have so much snow that my kids can't even walk outside. ;)
Cold here too... we gotabout as much smow as you did.... no school last week and even out today.
no snow days here, actually in the 50's today, woo hoo. To the park we must go...after naps of course!
looks like you guys had fun. Love the laundry basket sledding idea.
How fun for the kids. I love the snow pictures. Your neighborhood looked so pretty with snow all over.
I know what you mean about this being the coldest winter ever, It seems like its that way everywhere.
The fountain grew icicles...does that count?
No fair - you got more snow than we did!
It is butt freezing cold as my precious sweetie Emma Grace would say!
Love the eye on the game picture! But Um, way-wrong shirt! ; )
Just wanted to make sure you check my blog tomorrow. I am leaving you an award.
They shut down our schools and stuff last week for 'snow' that wasn't. Silly.
The laundry basket is a great idea and they look so cute.
I'm JEALOUS! Our schools were delayed but we got NO SNOW-NOTHING!!!
Snow days were my favorite growing up.
I grew up in Illinois though, so we had quite a few. We would always get these big drifts along our back fence so we would dig big tunnels, it was fun, and a lot warmer in the tunnels then exposed to the wind.
I'm so jealous! We didn't get any snow, just the cold weather without the fun.
Work from home India
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