Anyone who knows my Jack will remember his obsession with John Deere, excavators, garbage trucks, backhoes, bulldozers, dump trucks any and all things with wheels.
(Jack, spring 2007)
(Jack, spring 2007)

and how he loved making "parking lots".
Yes, that a parking lot designed to look like a house.
When you make about 5 million parking lots a day, you need to spice it up a little.

Obviously my attempts to keep the obsession from infecting Charlie have failed.
Yesterday, I caught him in this position.

His favorite word used to be "no". Now it's "truck".
I'm not sure which is better.

Oh well. At least I have one little princess who's more concerned with whether or not the trucks are pretty than how many wheels they have!
We are drowning in trains at our house :)
Trucks, cars, and trains abound in our house. It's so funny how they are drawn to them, whether or not they are taught to play with them.
awwww, love all the pictures! the cars are too cute ... and so is your little girl!
That's so random that he makes parking lots and houses out of cars and trucks. That is all boy.
Charlie is getting so big!! Eli has learned all about the love of trucks from his brothers! I'm a little jealous of your girly girl...I'm surrounded by truck loving boys at my house:)
Even I used to like to line up the Matchbox cars!
The worst part is when I step on the parking lot. In my bare feet. Maybe that is just me...
Mrs. NB
I love her standing over the air vent so her skirt will blow up.
Jakob was a HUGE Hotwheels kid for years. LOVED them. They had first and last names. :)
Hayden loves trucks too, and I don't even know how he makes the sounds he makes driving them around. I couldn't do it if I tried!
I LOVE the parking lot shaped like a house! Very creative! What a great catch of Charlie lining up the cars and Melody is such a pretty princess!
Charlie and Melody look so much alike...thank goodness they have the trucks and princess dresses to tell them apart! ;)
Alex always loved playing with his million hot wheels and trains...he gets them out sometimes...but not as much :) I do miss that a little. They are all the cutest ;)
Kids and their toys, awesome! Just about all the moms of boys I know say their sons love anything with wheels. My preschooler prefers trains but will play with little cars in a pinch. My baby boy has the wheel bug too.
My boys are the SAME way. And it looks like Grace may be following in their footsteps. She loves playing with their cars. Egad. ;)
Yes anything that moves is popular at our house. Am I a bad mom if I rarely ever want to drive trucks?
That is hilarious and awesome! He wants to be just like his big brother.
My little guy loves some hot wheels too. They are fun and inexpensive so I say let them obsess...better than legos. Those cost an arm and a leg.
Love your princess. So cute.
My 3 yr old son likes trucks and cars but thankfully its just an 'interest', not an obsession. 19 month old is already OBSESSED with "choo choos" his favorite thing to play with is a line of trains on the bay window sill, he's got 3 board books with trains that he HAS to read each night and HAS to take to bed too. He knows exactly where his brother's trains and train books are and would like to claim them as his own. Oh boy!!
aww! so jealous you have a little princess to get some truck relief. i'm so outnumbered here!!! ;)
Amazing how different boys and girls are right from the get-go, isn't it?
I'm with Leslie. I am jealous and outnumbered too!
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