At almost 20 months, Charlie know a lot of words.
Among his favorites are:
Hello (but it sounds like Woah)
Can you guess what his very favorite word is?
Why is it always that one?
Among his favorites are:
Hello (but it sounds like Woah)
Can you guess what his very favorite word is?
Why is it always that one?

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Very cute. :)
He'll branch out.
At least he's consistent, right? And darn cute while he's being that way, right? Right.
Seriously...could he be any cuter? I love how he is saying no as he is shoving a great big strawberry into his mouth. Too cute for words. All of them are SO adorable!
I love how the conversation isn't stopping him from chowing down! They're all so cute sitting there at the table together. :)
Too cute! Eli's favorite word right now is MINE...and he is very serious about it too! Did Melody get a haircut...she looks so grown up:)
I think that's Natalie's favorite word, too. But, if she really wants something, she won't say "no" but she gets this look on her face that says "yyeeeessssss!"
Hilarious that he has strawberry running down his chin as he say no!
Of course that's his favorite word! It couldn't be any other way.
I think that is all three of my kids favorite word still. Gotta work on that. LOL
Too cute. I love their laughs. Adorable.
Very cute -- is that a southern drawl I detect?
Cute. My daughter yells it in German now. NEIN!!
Oh my gosh! So cute! Riley's favorite word right now is by far "no". No matter what you ask him the answer is always no even if he really means yes. Silly boys!
aww, but he says it so cute!
oh too cute!!
Haha! So cute! I love the fact that big brother finds it so funny too.
I thought for sure his favorite word was gonna be "poop" or "farts" or something. Is that just my boys? ;)
What a cutie pie!
With my daughter, her word was and still is, "WHY?"
Very Cute!!! Love the strawberry drool.
oh, i love this! That was Jude's favorite word for quite awhile, it's hard to not laugh!!!
I knew that's what it would be! That's one of Daisy's faves too!
He is so cute! I love that.
B said "hahaha he funny!"
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