*I actually wrote this post a few months ago and then never published it. In fact, I found a few finished but unpublished posts so I'll be posting some old-but-never-seen-before posts until something post-worthy happens in my life for a few days!*
My son Jack was a major drooler. He pretty much had a majorly soaking wet shirt until he was about 3.
(Jack was about 20 months here and look at his wet shirt!)
I was relieved when Melody turned out to be the opposite. Even when she was teething not a drop of drool would leave her mouth.
I'm wondering now if it's a girl thing because Charlie seems determined to win the drooling contest.

Look at all the drool. And the crazy thing is that he's only been wearing this outfit for 5 minutes! Seriously. I had just gotten in out of the dryer where I thew it in because it was so soaked with drool!

Look at that.

Seriously, kid.
Definitely not a boy thing!
Iz wasn't too much of a drooler. Nat needs a dam to keep her clothes dry!
Good grief! That is a lot of drool in the last picture! Henry was really bad about drooling, but I don't think Grant or Eli were that bad!
Not a boy thing at all! Maggie wore a bib so often (to help save her clothes) that it was simply an accessory for her! Good thing I did it too - now the new baby can wear clothes that aren't all stained!
Wow that is alot of drool...but I would take drool over spit up any day. :)
He is so cute.
Ok, that just made me laugh and laugh!
oh my goodness!! That would drive me insane ha ha :) Good thing he is so cute.
oh my that is a lot of drool. Landon drooled a little but never that much and he doesn't do it very much at all now.
Wow! Bubba was awful like that... and you know how you are with 1st babies. I kept bibs on that child constantly and if that didn't work, I was changing his clothes every 5 min. Heck, poor Baby Bub is lucky if he gets his clothes changed everyday. HAHA!
not a boy thing, but John is definitely my worst drooler!
Oh, I remember those drooling days. No bib could stop the drool. Such sweet photos - Charlie looks so much like Jack did at that age.
I agree with you, its totally a boy thing.
Two of mine were big droolers and two weren't. I wonder if it has something to do with the number of teeth they have coming in at one time. ??? Hmm. I don't know.
Wow, that's a lot of drool! My baby definitely drools more than my oldest.
Those are some cuuuuute kids!
Jayden didn't drool much. people would always comment about how clean he was... but who knows with this next one. I think every kid is different... not really a boy or girl thing. ;)
Jakob was like this. I would put bibs on him to try to keep his shirt dry. It didn't work.
Wow, he is a drool monster! Hayden drools WAY more than Layla did. Must be a boy thing.
Poor little guy! Drooling is no joke. It can lead to chafing.
Poor thing! Neither of mine were big droolers
They are cute droolers! Bailey was a drooler and even now I sometimes have to remind him to swallow!
Riley was always a bad drooler too. Still is & he's 21 months. I was hoping Averly would be better but that child has been drooling since she was born. Literally! I didn't know babies this young would drool that bad but I already have to change her clothes bc of it! So you're not alone with the super slobbery kids! Haha :)
Adorable! Lauren is only 4 mths, but she is already a major drooler. It is constant and of course it doesn't help she chews on her fingers constantly.
soooo funny!!! gotta love the drool and slobber - especially when you get slobbery kisses!
Look at those little chubby baby arms. Oh my goodness. Too delicious for words : ) I love your baby...even if he is a drooler!
Lol! That is a lot of drool.
My boys are both droolers, too. I think it IS a boy thing.
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