While last week was certainly a stressful week for our family, it was not without a few laughs.
As I was anxiously awaiting for my little guy to come out of surgery, I walked into his recovery room to find him like this.
Still groggy and mostly asleep.

The nurse wanted to show me his bandages before he woke up.
So, she pulled back the blanket and lifted up his gown...
And guess where his hand was?
That's right.
He's a boy isn't he?
It's almost like he was saying, "you can take my appendix, but leave the important stuff alone!"

As I was anxiously awaiting for my little guy to come out of surgery, I walked into his recovery room to find him like this.
Still groggy and mostly asleep.

The nurse wanted to show me his bandages before he woke up.
So, she pulled back the blanket and lifted up his gown...
And guess where his hand was?
That's right.
He's a boy isn't he?
It's almost like he was saying, "you can take my appendix, but leave the important stuff alone!"

Too funny! That is one that you can use for black mail for sure!
LOL.....boys will be boys.
That's so lovely. Wishing him a very speedy recovery. With his bits intact!
CJ xx
Awww! I'm sure he was just making sure all the essentials were still intact :) Hope he's feeling better.
How funny.
It's instinctual :) Too cute!
Aww, that is hilarious!!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha : ) Very funny!
Sooo funny. I always say their hands are there because they're afraid it will fall off if they don't hold on to it!
(OK, I just realized I used their/there/they're in that sentence.)
boys will be boys right?!
heeeeeheeeeeee! Even when they don't even know they're doing it...it happens! haaaahaaaa! He looks so cute in his hospital pj's all covered up :) Hope he's recovering well!
Oh, one of the very things about boys that scares me...what to do with "that."
Lol! Too funny... and yeah boys will be boys
LOL That is too funny. That is how most men sleep isn't it? Gotta make sure it is still there. Like where would it go? LOL
Heh Heh Heh! I guess some things really never change! Hope he is feeling better. ;)
Haha, Thats awesome! Boys!
OhMyLord... I am dying at Mimi's comment!
Ahh, the poor little guy was probably just worried that they would remove something else if he didn't protect it!
Thanks for linking up! Too funny!
Guarded with his life!!! Too funny. I'm so glad he's feeling better and back to school.
Too funny! I have the same question as Mimi: Isn't that how all males sleep? LOL
HAHA!!! Hold on tight!
Glad he is feeling better :)
You lady's have NO idea!!!!! LOL
Yepper, boys are very protective of those little guys!
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