Melody is really into her feelings. (Duh. She's a girl, isn't she?)
And one of the feelings she frequently experiences is sadness.
Sadness often occurs when she is forced against her will do to something she does not wish to do, such as pick up toys, wash hands for dinner, or stop climbing on people.
She also has moments of sadness when a change is about to occur. These changes include going from a state of wakefulness to asleep.
When she is sad, she wants to let you know. "You wanna know why I'm sad?" she asks in this sweet voice. She is hard to resist...until that defiant "no" at the end at least. She always takes it one step too far.
This is probably my favorite picture of Melody's sad face. She was about 22 months old and, since Charlie had recently intruded upon her territory, she was frequently sad.
She was sad because the two M&Ms she got apparently weren't enough. You would think she had two dozen considering the amount of chocolate on her face.
I can't really blame her for being sad here. Two M&Ms aren't enough for me either.
Do you want to tell me why you're sad?

Hosted by Cecily and Mamarazzi
That is a GREAT shot of her grumpy face!
So cute! I love that she asks if you want to know...that is such a girl thing to do! Grant manages to look just like that after eating two M&M's too! We always call him Messy Marvin!
cuteness! love the video, love the story love the pouty face...
oh and i love M&Ms...that was a justified pout! 2 is never enough
Something about the way she says "no" - there must be some innate knowledge little girls have about getting just the right amount of whine in there! She is cute - M&M smeared face and all!
She is just way too precious. I love that she was smiling when she asked if you wanted to know why she was sad. LOL
I lurrrrrve her. And her sad face.
I totally get the sadness though. How can you EVER be happy with only two M&Ms??
I can't be sad looking at that funny sad face. So funny. It is totally a girl thing - be glad the other two are boys!
Oh, that sad face is almost too much..notice I said almost:)
OMWord I love her little voice. She is so cute. my whole family just watched her video. What a sweetie. Love that sad face.
That is soo funny. I love the video - her little voice is just adorable.
She did all that with two M&M's?
I bow to the master.
Who decided that Daddies are made for "Cwimbing" on?
Sooo cute. Two M&M's is not enough for me either. Now, that photo may be your favorite, but the one below this post with the red ribbons in her piggy tails is awfully cute as well!
I would be sad too if I only got 2 m&m's! She is hilarious. I also love that she was smiling while telling you why she was sad. Daisy can't say the words, but when I tell her it's time to go ni'night she SHAKES her head "no" at me.
Oh how precious. I think I make that face a lot too! LOL. She's a doll, grumpy face & all.
Stopping in from PSF.
Very cute! Love her eyebrows...
Love the pouting cute
Gotta love that age! I really need to get my daughter in her sad state one video.. she is DRAMA, laying on the floor saying "my legs are asleep, I can't walk!" that is her favorite.
She is so cute : ) even with her sad face! 2 m&m's aren't enough for me either!
Oh my gosh, I cracked up at that video. She doesn't know what would make her happy, but going to bed would make her VERY unhappy!
And of course two M&M's is not enough! 1/2 of them are on her face, she didn't get to enjoy the full M&M experience!
HAHA, she scrunched that little nose up and said "no". So funny. She is such a character. I love her spunky personality. She's fun.
She is so precious and that face says it all doesn't it?
She is just so adorable.
And has a stern "no."
She certainly didn't want to say goodnight!
And I want some M&M's. I'm sad b/c I don't have any.
so sad :(
only 2 m&m's
cute face--
Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
awwwww...sad or not, she is just precious :)'s so funny how two M&Ms can do so much damage. Noah looks like that when he eats them too. He calls them "yummy-yums" though. I love it. :)
So what was she saying? What was she sad about? She looks adorable in the vid.
Giggle, giggle. What an funny little girl. I love that she tells you why she's sad. And that picture of her sad face is so awesome!
Great photo for PSF-- she's going to lurve you for catching this moment :-)
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