Several months ago we decided to splurge for Chinese takeout. Usually we reserve Chinese for us and give the kids PB&Js but this time we decided to make it a family event.
Our children are not the most adventurous eaters but they. loved. it. We have added it to our list of places we will take our children to eat.
1. ChickfilA
2. Pizza
3. Chinese
In order to get them to try it, we had to fool them a bit.
Oh come on, you know you've done it too.
We told them that sweet & sour sauce was Chinese syrup and that the lo mein was Chinese pasta.
About halfway through the meal, once we realized they would willingly eat this again, we decided to teach them the real names so we wouldn't have to keep up this charade next time.
I said to Jack, "You know, in China they call Chinese syrup sweet & sour sauce."
"Oh," was his reply. "is that what they call it in Australia too?"

I think you're actually really brilliant!!!
Ha! We have done the very same thing too! My girls love the fortune cookies!
too funny! Dont you love having something else in the foos arsenal to throw at them?
Love it! Jack is so funny!!
Buddy loves chinese food, which is odd and unfortunate. He's so picky that I can't believe he likes it. and it's unfortunate because he can't have it. The risk of cross contamination by sesame or nuts is just too high.
And Buster, my "eat anything guy" won't touch Chinese food.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. This is so cute. I miss having little children in the house. So very sweet : )
Lol! Awesome. And yes, as moms I think we often do whatever it takes to get them to eat good and try new things :)
That's awesome! good one, Jack, he sounds like he's so funny!
Hahaha! What a funny boy... bet he keeps you hopping! Very good creativity on the "marketing strategy"; I used to use dips and all of those little cocktail toothpicks (the ones shaped like swords and spears were especially popular). We had "pokies and dippies".. it is amazing what a child will eat when they can poke it and dip it!
Jamison likes the spaghetti from the Chinese place day I'll tell her the real name.
Layla still thinks everything is ribs or chicken. If we say one of those she will 'hoover' it down. Otherwise...eiiiwww.
Great post...made me say exactly what is on their minds.
Hahaha- yes because Austraila loves sweet and sour sauce too!
How funny!
Haha! Very cute. :)
I get so excited when my kids try something new and actually LIKE it. :)
That is brilliant - I need to try that!!!
Cute! Our top three are Chickfila, pizza, and anything Mexican:) I'm not a big Chinese fan, so I doubt we will be talking our boys into eating chinese syrup anytime soon:)
That is a great idea. I love Jack's response. Cute.
You are hilarious! Whatever works right? Looks like he's loving it!
so funny...and smart!
LOL! Jack is a hoot! Yummy! I haven't had Chinese in so long...why not? mmmmmm!'s a little too hard to trick our kids these days ;( Alex is a smart cookie...but Emily's like me most times...and will say "Really?" haha!
Kids! I love this story.
He is priceless - love that mind of his! :)
Soooo cute!
He's really digging in, isn't he? Our girls aren't big fans of chinese food. I guess they get their pickiness from their daddy?
This was hysterical! You crack me up.
Yum Chinese food. Makes me hungry.
I love the "Australia" comment. Too cute.
I just love your kids. They crack me up.
Love it! I am not above trickery, bribery or any other -ry that gets them to do what I want.
That's awesome!!!
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