If you tweet or facebook, you probably know by now that this was not your run of the mill stomach bug.
After a night of watching Jack writhe around in pain, we ended up here.
Waiting for surgery.
(Seriously, why do we even have appendixes?)
Thankfully we caught it early and his appendix was able to be removed laparoscopically.
It was a crazy 30 hours.
By 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, I had met with the surgeon in our ER room. Jack was given an IV and some morphine for pain. Seeing a 5 year old on morphine was quite entertaining. Especially when I asked him how he felt, and he poked at his stomach then said, "Hey. I feel gooood."

At 9:00 they took him into surgery and he was in recovery around 11. (While they did want to get him into surgery pretty quickly, there happened to be a cancellation in the OR that day and he ended up being the first case of the day.)

He got up and walked for the first time just a little after dinner time.
And by Thursday morning he was ordering pancakes and bacon for breakfast!
We were discharged around 11:15 and he's now at home
alreadytorturing playing with his little sister!
I guess that's a good sign.
(Sorry for the poor quality photos...some of them were taken with my Blackberry.)

Hosted by Cecily and Robyn
After a night of watching Jack writhe around in pain, we ended up here.
Waiting for surgery.
(Seriously, why do we even have appendixes?)
Thankfully we caught it early and his appendix was able to be removed laparoscopically.
It was a crazy 30 hours.
By 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, I had met with the surgeon in our ER room. Jack was given an IV and some morphine for pain. Seeing a 5 year old on morphine was quite entertaining. Especially when I asked him how he felt, and he poked at his stomach then said, "Hey. I feel gooood."

At 9:00 they took him into surgery and he was in recovery around 11. (While they did want to get him into surgery pretty quickly, there happened to be a cancellation in the OR that day and he ended up being the first case of the day.)

He got up and walked for the first time just a little after dinner time.
And by Thursday morning he was ordering pancakes and bacon for breakfast!
I guess that's a good sign.
(Sorry for the poor quality photos...some of them were taken with my Blackberry.)

Hosted by Cecily and Robyn
Poor Jack. I am glad he is feeling better.
Oh my goodness! How scary! A crazy 30 hours indeed! Poor Jack. He looks so little in that hospital bed.
So glad it went well and he is feeling like himself again. :)
So glad little man is home! You know they're all better when the torturing returns...lol!
Poor baby!!! I feel so bad for him. That does NOT look like a fun way to spend the week :0(
Mrs. NB
Oh my goodness. I had no idea. I am so sorry that you had to go through this but I am glad that everything is fine now.
How scary but hey, it turned into a really good blog post. :)
So glad he is okay now and that you were able to catch it! That would be so scary.
First, I am so glad that everything went well and Jack is home and feeling better. Second, I love the title of this post:) I have not idea what an appendix does or why we need them!
So glad he is feeling better and back to his normal self!
Poor thing...glad he's feeling better!!
OH no! I can't believe he had his appendix out so young! Dan got his out a couple of years ago....he said he didn't feel right and he played a round of golf that morning and ended up in the ER that night! He looks so cute in his little gown :) Glad he's already feeling better!
Scary! Thank goodness for modern medicine and good doctors! glad to see all is well :D
Oh my goodness. It never crossed my mind when you talked about him feeling bad. I'm so glad they caugt it. I'm glad he's doing good and recovering well.
Oh my Emily! I'm so glad you caught it soon and that he's just fine and pretty much back to normal. Love the picture with him and the menu!
Poor Jack and poor Mommy too. I'm sure you were freaking out.
I'm glad he's home and torturing (I mean playing) with his sister.
Oh my gosh, I hope that little cutie is doing a lot better. That is so rough when they are so young and sick.
OMGosh that is scary. I am so glad you took him in and that everything turned out fine. Poor guy. He does look much better.
I am amazed at how quickly he bounced back. So glad y'all caught it in time and that the surgery was the least invasive way to fix him as possible.
Hopefully this weekend will be a lot less drama!
I'm just so glad he's OK! What a scary time that must have been for all of you! I know it would have been for us. He looks wonderful and seems to be recovering just great from it all.
Looks like he was quite a trooper! That's so funny about the morphine!
Oh yeah, that is a good sign if he can torture his sister.
I'm glad things turned out well.
What a rotten turn of events -- I'm glad he's doing better. It's amazing how quickly they recover (my son had his tonsils removed when he was four and he was up and around that afternoon like nothing had happened).
Here's hoping for a better week next week!
That is so wild! How did you even know to go to the ER? I'm so glad he is home and healthy.
So glad he is feeling better!! What sweet pictures of your brave little man.
Scary! Good thing you took him in. Looks like he's feeling better.
Oh gosh ... I'm so glad he's better!
what a sweet little guy! SO GLAD he's feeling better!
I'm so glad you guys are home! He looks so sweet in the last pic.
I saw your tweet about the basement pipe...dang!! I hope things are better today.
Have a good weekend!
I am so sorry you had to go thru all of that. So glad you are home safe and happy now!
Wow, that is quite the time you had there. I bet you are glad that is over!
I am so relieved to hear it all had a happy ending. I have often wondered why we have those too!
Poor Jack! I'm glad to see he's feeling better though. And Melody's party looked like lots of fun. That was a cute idea!
And to answer your question, I will be 35 weeks Monday! Time is flying!
How scary! I just want to give him a hug in that second picture. Poor guy. I'm glad he's recovered pretty quickly though.
Oh wow, flashbacks for me. We went through this with my son but he was in 8th grade when it happened. It's scary, isn't it? I'm so glad it went smoothly for your little one!
Oh, how scary!!! I am so glad he healed quickly! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! Go Colts! :)
Oh my goodness! What a week you had! I am so glad that everything went ok. And that you guys are back home and on the mend. And I hope that Jack has a better week!
What a trooper!
Oh my gosh! I have been missing around here and look what happened! How scarey! So glad that everything went smoothly (after the diagnosis) and you are all home now!
I'm so glad he's doing alright! I did know about it through twitter but still :) Poor guy.
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