Thursday, February 25, 2010

PSF and Stages

If you read my blog regularly, you know that Melody's hair (or lack thereof) is an obsession of mine a topic I've briefly touched on.

When she was a baby her baldness didn't bother me. After all, tons of babies are bald. Who needs hair with eyes that bright and cheeks that sweet anyways?

At age 1, I started to wonder where the hair was. After all, even Jack had a little at 1!
"Don't worry," people assured me. "My baby was bald until one and then her hair came in like crazy!"

Um, yeah, that didn't happen for us. At 18 months, I forced Melody to wear a bow precariously clipped to six stands of hair after several comments of "do you know what you're having?"
And upon answering "boy" would hear, "Wow, three boys. How wonderful!"
Apparently a dress is not a dead giveaway.

As we hit the two year mark, those six long strands had grown a teeny bit more and multiplied into about 36 strands of which I would divide into two microscopic pigtails.
(I know. I have no idea how I got the rubberband wrapped around them either.)
By this time, people had stopped assuring me her hair would eventually come in and just looked on me with pity instead.

Finally at 2 1/2 we started seeing her hair not only get longer but a little thicker as well.
In the past six months all the reassuring promises of "soon she'll have such long thick hair" have finally started coming true!

Kind of.
Yes, I realize this is probably about as much hair as your 15 month old has, but believe me, for us, this is a full head of hair!

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Melody came in the other day and said, "Mama, mah hair is in mah eyes!"

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Amy


He & Me + 3 said...

LOL she is so cute. That reminds me of my girlies. Actress didn't have her first haircut until her second birthday. She didn't even need one, but I thought it was a good time.
Cute pictures. The piggie tales are too cute.

Cecily R said...

Emily, you make me laugh...I SO understand you on this one! Evie is almost 3 (well, in May she'll be 3) and I KNOW she has less hair than Melody. But I still LOVE her sprout ponies! :)

lsnellings said...

That totally had me cracking up!! I had forgotten just how bald she used to be!

Rachel said...

She is adorable no matter what the length of her locks! My sister was bald until she was three, so she's got a headstart there :)

And umm... at least she wasn't born with that strange monkey combover that Itty Bit was!

Love Melody's pigtails!

Laura said...

SO CUTE! I hear you! After 2 boys I was ready for some hair to do! Darling family!

Kmama said...

I love those last three pictures of her. Hair or no hair, she's beautiful.

Bren said...

She is beautiful regardless of how long her hair is! I have noticed it getting quite long lately though!

Pam said...

LOL...I feel that way now that I am getting older and LOSING my hair! She is a doll.

Chris said...

Adorable indeed!

She's just going to have to live with the hair in her eyes -- obviously you have worked far too hard for it, to trim it any time soon.

Is it just me, or is she a dead ringer for Cindy Lou Who?

LeAnn said...

I have to tell you, my daughter was a blond baldy too! She is now 18 and as the thickest most beautiful hair. Loved hearing your story and seeing your beautiful daughter. :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Awwwwwwww! Love those ponytails!
I feel ya, I really do.... Scott grew nice curly locks and Em well she took a BIT longer to get hair! My girls were all over 2 before they required a cut~ I'm not sure I could tease enough into ponytails!

Emmy said...

One of my nieces that has really blond hair was the same way.. wonder if that is just more true with white blonds like that.

HeatherOz said...

She IS adorable! Is she going to need a haircut? How exciting!
Daisy is 18 months and I am anxiously awaiting hair!!! I also attach ribbons to about 6 strands of hair and BEG her to wear headbands! When Lily was her age I could put two, good sized, pony tails in her hair! I think I might have comparison photos for next week's WW.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

With or without hair...she is adorable! Those last shots crack me up!

Kelli W said...

She is just too cute! Melody and her pigtails make me want to fix up one of my boys' hair in pigtails too...and I think they would hate that!

Kelli said...

She is a hoot, and so are you! I love her pig tails.

Aunt Crazy said...

She is precious. I did not have hair until I was THREE...omg my poor mother...LOL

However, NOW I have a frizzy, curly, mop on top of my head that is so thick it's heavy and there is so much of it, I could give eleventybillion people hair and still have too much hair. And poor Girlkid got her hair from ME, can we all say NIGHTMARE???

So, be careful what you wish for...LOL

Michelle said...

She is so cute and you are so funny!

latree said...

she'll have beautiful hair, you'll see. coz I already can see it!

Anonymous said...

I came here from the Photo Story Friday post...

She is so incredibly precious! That photo, near the bottom, with her Little Cindy-Lou Who pigtail is just the most adorable thing!

Meant to be a mom said...

Lol, this is the same thing my sister in law and brother said about my niece. They were so excited when she started finally growing hair. She's almost two and its still really thin too.

Melody is a doll with or without hair, but I'm glad she finally got some.

Angie said...

Gosh, that cute smile gets me every , time...I'll bet she gets her way alot. I bet it helps too that she is the only girl!

DaBudges said...

CUTE!! haha both my boys have needed haircuts since birth, but I'm sure if I ever have a girl, she will be beautifully bald as well. thanks for sharing :D

Kat said...

Hahaha!!!! Hair or none, she is just so cute!!!!

Leslie said...

sooo cute! what a great post!!!

Gretchen said...

I just love this. My babies get hair but it's just so thin and straggly. The other day, at McDonalds, Sally (2y, 4m) was playing with some 3 year=old twins that both had THICK LONG HAIR put up into bows, and they had even ends so clearly they'd even had a haircut too. I wonder, what do their parents feed them to get their hair to come in so thick and fast? 'Cause I'll buy it and force feed it to my girls!!! My son Linus can go about 3 months without ever needing a haircut! But, my hair is exactly the same. Thin, sparse, and pretty scraggly. So I guess they just have bad genetics. Poor daughters!

And when Pep. Patty was a baby, I bought the rubber bands that were NOT Ouchless because I wanted her to leave them in! I wanted to deter her from pulling them out! The clerk at Walgreens couldn't understand why I didn't want the "ouchless" rubber bands.

Erin said...

oh she is so cute :)!!! I always tell Alex her hair is in her eyes, it drives me nuts!! I love all the pictures of her different hair styles!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Her little piggies and ponies sure are cute...and I had totally forgotten how little hair she had (coming from one momma of two baldy girls).

Foursons said...

That is just too funny. I'm surprised her hair is not curly. My experience is that the curly headed kids have slow growing hair.

woman who roars said...

Look at her with her hair in her eyes - Soooo sweet!
I absolutely feel your pain, Gwen was a baldy for so long. Its really not fair for a girl (or her mama).

Anonymous said...

Awww I just love her hair. Those little piggies are too cute!!

Jessica said...

I love her little pig tails! She is just to die for--so stinkin cute!

And umm...holy crap! Your section wasn't until 6 pm??? I would never be able to make it that long without food/water! You are a trooper. I'm more nervous about not being able to eat & passing out than I am about the actual surgery!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

She is darling with or without hair, but I love the little pig tails! Adorable.