Tuesday, February 2, 2010

True Story Tuesday and The Hunter

I try not to over-do candy at our house at Easter time since I end up eating it all in one sitting don't think kids need it. So we usually end up doing books and/or dvds in their Easter baskets.

Last year, the Easter Bunny brought Jack the Disney movie Bambi
. This was despite the fact that Alex thinks Bambi is "liberal propaganda trying to teach children that animals are like people and hunting is bad." Blah blah blah.

However, we're also not big movie people so we didn't actually watch it until one day that summer.

Jack and Alex were hanging out while the other two were napping and I suggested they put it in. I reminded Alex of the hunting scene and told him to prepare Jack for what happens. As it turned out, that part didn't phase him one bit.

Later that day, I asked him what his favorite part was.

"The part when the hunter comes and shoots that deer!" was his excited reply.

Yes, the murder of poor Bambi's mother hunting scene.

I don't think Alex has ever been so proud.

(He's not actually hunting. This was his Halloween costume. And he told everyone he was a hunter because Bambi is his favorite movie.)

Head on over to Once Upon a Miracle for some more True Story Tuesdays!


Jen said...

LOL! That funny, a little scary but funny. I guess you have a natural born hunter. :)

Kmama said...

LMAO! That is hysterical. Definitely one to remember.

Foursons said...

That is just hilarious! He's such a boy's boy.

Look how close you are to 100 followers!

Kelli said...

That was TOO funny. He's a regular tough guy!

Heidi said...

Ha, ha! that was hilarious! I'm with your husband, it is anti-hunting propaganda. I always hated Bambi.
I love that his favorite character was the hunter.
Thanks for the laugh!

Emmy said...

Lol!! Too funny. What did people say when he told them why he was a hunter??

Kelli W said...

Too funny! My boys always like the strangest parts of the movies too. We aren't really big movie people either...I don't know if my boys have even seen Bambi!?!

Gretchen said...

hee hee. I think my husband and your husband could get along perfectly. I wish I had a nickel for every time he says "liberal propaganda"...

Kat said...

Hahaha! A true boy. My hubby doesn't like Bambi either, but I'm sure our boys wouldn't be phased either. ;)
Me? Well, I cry like a baby at that part.

HeatherOz said...

Oh, that is so funny! I don't love the movie and haven't had my kids watch it cuz it's so sad! I just don't like to PAY to cry! I don't have problems with hunting! My Dad has worked for Browning for YEARS and I used to go pheasant hunting with him.

Angie said...

You guys sound like us. We aren't movie people either. It takes us forever to watch a movie b/c of all the getting up playing in the middle of the show.

Leiah said...

Too funny and all I could think of when I saw the picture was, "Be vewy vewy quiet...I'm wabbit hunting." Precious!

Twisted Cinderella said...

My Prince charming would get along great with your Alex! LOL

He & Me + 3 said...

That is the only scene in the movie that makes me cry. LOL Of course that would be Jack's favorite part. :) He is cute in his hunting gear.

lsnellings said...

I am totally with Alex on the liberal propaganda!

Jack is so going to be the perfect husband for Libby someday!

Carrie said...

Oh my...he is too funny! Like father, like son...love it! ;)

we watched that once {but don't really do alot of movies either} and I was really concerned when that part came on...but I don't even think my kids knew what was happening anyway! haha! Jack is so cute!

Rachel said...

How on earth did you have such a sweet girly-girl (as evidenced in the last post), and then have a happily redneck boy?

I mean, I totally expected to have a redneck boy, but I don't think Itty Bit stood a chance of being anything else... not with his dad as Mr. Hunts-A-Lot.

That is just wild that he wasn't even phased by the saddest part of Bambi! So... who is gonna take him out for the reality check? (ewwww!)

Gayle said...

I love the way you love your children.

SouthernDogwoods said...

I am pretty sure that the girls have never seen Bambi becuase they ball their eyes out at Snow White. And I am pretty sure I cried when I watched Bambi. ; )
But he does make a really cute hunter.

Leslie said...

Em! That is sooo funny!!!! Seriously, one of the funniest things I've heard. :) I bet your husband loved that!