Monday, May 23, 2011

Because you have nothing better to do...

Than to watch a four year old dance "recital".  I use the term loosely and don't get me started on the little girl whose mother let her wear a princess dress.

(She's limber, isn't she?!)

At the end, Melody received her first trophy.  Excited doesn't even begin to describe it.  And Jack came home and immediately counted his trophies to make sure he had more than she does.  (Considering her total trophy count is now 1, I don't think he had much to worry about.)


heidi said...

Awwww!!! My girls were never in dance and this makes me sad! Your little girl is so precious!!

Yay Melody!!

Liz Mays said...

You and she will replay these wonderful snapshots over and over. What a doll!

Kmama said...

Oh my gosh. That was so adorable. I love her frenzied spinning!!

Foursons said...

Oh my goodness, I love how she got distracted by her tutu, then yawned a huge yawn, and then suddenly saw you and shouts, "Hi Mom!" complete w/a wave. So cute!

And I totally get Jack. I've got 4 Jack's in my home. :D

Laura Farrell said...


Leslie said...

oh my goodness, Emily, she is the cutest thing ever. *jealous* It's ok, I'll live vicariously through you with your little princess ;)