Last week I blogged about my lack of blogging material.
I'm still feeling unoriginal this week. So, I figured as long as I'm feeling unoriginal, I might as well be unoriginal and steal someone else's idea.
I wascursed blessed with the straightest hair ever. Seriously, I get asked all the time what kind of flat iron I use. Nope, don't use one.
Jack (and the rest of my children) inherited that same gene. The straight-as-an-arrow-hair-that-grows-forward-no-matter-what gene.
I like Jack to have the cute little boy haircut that looks like this

after a lot of hairspray (no, my husband does not like nor approve of the use of product) for about 5 minutes.
After those 5 minutes are up, it looks like this
I'm still feeling unoriginal this week. So, I figured as long as I'm feeling unoriginal, I might as well be unoriginal and steal someone else's idea.
I was
Jack (and the rest of my children) inherited that same gene. The straight-as-an-arrow-hair-that-grows-forward-no-matter-what gene.
I like Jack to have the cute little boy haircut that looks like this

after a lot of hairspray (no, my husband does not like nor approve of the use of product) for about 5 minutes.
After those 5 minutes are up, it looks like this
and after about 1/2 hour it looks like this.
At that point, I usually decide I want to give him a cute little boy buzz look so I don't have to worry about combing it and listening to my husband complain about using hairspray. And then after I get it buzzed, I wonder if it looks good or not.

So, we're at that point again. He's starting to look shaggy (well, as shaggy as one can look with really straight hair) and in desperate need of a haircut.
This is where you come in.
What's your vote?
Hairspray or haircut?
Long or short?
Let me know what you think and come back tomorrow to see the end result.

Hosted by Cecily and Life With Kaishon
That length in the last picture looks so so cute I think. So maybe go for the cut.
And yeah, we have to use hairspray with Lucas as he has a part in the back that sticks STRAIGHT up when it is long, major cowlick
Grant's hair does the same thing and it makes me a little crazy! I'm not a big fan of buzz cuts, but as long as he has already had school pics I don't see anything wrong with cutting it to see if you like it or not! Plus the summer is a great time to have short hair!
BTW I am SUPER jealous that you don't have to use a straight iron...I look like a fuzzy poodle without mine:)
I think his hair looks adorable in the last one. He is a cutie in any hairstyle.
I think he looks great either way but I prefer longer hair.
Why don't you shave it into a mohawk?
We have that same gene round here! My oldest has stick straight hair and after a while a just get tired and cut it pretty short. Scott is the same way I let it grow til it makes me crazy and go for the super short cut.
I love little boys with long hair but he looks super cute in that last picture with the buzz...guess I'm not much help with the decision huh? :)
And yes Averly has a major cowlick! I have one in that exact same spot. At least we know where we'll part her hair! Haha
I love the longer hair on little boys, but he's adorable in a buzz cut, too! (Eek, I wasn't much help here, was I?!)
Maybe, since he's probably already had school pictures, and summer's coming soon anyway, go with the buzz cut so he'll be more comfortable. Or ask him what he'd like his hair to look like for the spring/summer. He might surprise you w/ his response!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
He is just so cute. What a sweetie! : ) I laughed about your husband not approving of the hair spray. I like the buzz. It looks terrible on some children but yours looks sweet : )
As someone who buzzed both of my boys last year around this time, I vote for buzz. It's seriously so much easier and boys look good with buzz cuts. For Buddy, it's a bit longer on the top than the sides, because he likes to do the whole "faux hawk" thing once in awhile.
Either way, Jack is an adorable kid. His hair looks great even when it's "shaggy". ;-)
Oh yes.....boy do I have straight hair!...I'm right there with you...
TigerBoy does have some wave to his hair, which he got from TigerDaddy.....And surely he is at that shaggy look too! Though I would love to see him in a longer hair style, usually we go for really short.....only because, that way the haircuts are farther apart! He still hates them.....
Can't wait to see what you decide....
(here I am, finally trying to catch up on blogs...and attempting to get more regular with my own posting!....oy...)
I say go for the buzz...I think it's super cute. And, if you or he hate it, then it will grow back very soon.
I say short haircut.
I couldn't do hairspray, lol. I'm just not good at doing hair. I think the short cut looks too cute! Visiting from Photo-story Friday and following now. War Eagle!
i usually say long but the buzz cut is super cute...go for the short cut.
Seeing as how we're headed into summer...I say go for the short cut!
Well, I love me some long hair on boys... but when it doesn't do what you want it to it's SO frustrating! He looks adorable either way, but I'll say short for the summer. ;)
Aw, he looks cute both ways. I like it kind of shaggy -- but then, my kid has long, blond wild hair!
PS Happy Easter! I will be linking to you in a special post tomorrow.
How did I miss this post? Ugh.
I already saw that you cut guess I won't vote.
I don't know why but I like my boys' hair fall naturally than brushed so tidy like that...
yours is cute anyway :D
Oh gosh! How did I miss this? I didn't get to vote and now I know the results!
I remember! I was watching Survivor last night and not checking blogs like I usually do! sorry!!
the final decision post was first in my reader so I know it's short :)
he looks adorable no matter how his hair is!!! :)
Love short....You have a great blog...Enjoying a Saturday of blog hopping and reading all the Easter posts. Hope you will stop by for a visit.
On Sunday night I will be drawing for
Happy Easter
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