Monday, April 26, 2010

How to...

take really awesome bad pictures of an 19 month old.

1. Chase one year old around until he gets caught and then throw him in the closest chair, even if it's an ugly brown one.

2. Desperately snap pictures before he can climb down and run away again.

3. Play peekaboo in an effort to keep him in chair for more than 3.5 seconds.

4. Use one hand to take picture and one hand to pin one year old to chair.

5. Realize you have to pick your battles. Sigh and walk away.


Kmama said...

I'm only laughing because that's how every picture taking scenario with Buster pans out. You forgot yelling and screaming (on the mom's part), followed by imbibing in some alcohol. ;-)

Nowadays, when Buster sees the camera, he says, "NO SMILE" and he cries. LOL

Charlie is too too cute. I just want to kiss his cheeks. (in a total non-creepy way!).

Brandi said...

I know how that goes. It's very hard to get a picture of Landon. He is constantly on the go.

Kelli W said...

Too funny! That is how most of my attempts at photoshoots go too:) I love Charlie's outfit and his SUPER cute shoes!

Carrie said...

LOL! He's too cute to ever take a bad picture! I have a funny one of Alex and Emily when they were probably 1 and 2 and Emily is laughing and Alex is crying because I'm holding him down next to her! haha! Good luck with those :)

Christy said...

hahahahaha, so cute, and so true!

Jen said...

It doesn't seem to get easier with age of the child either.

Laura Farrell said...

ha cute! love his little outfit :)

Dee said...

LOL..oh how I can relate. I haven't been able to get a good shot of Evan since he could crawl! I quite doing photoshoots as soon as he was able to get away from me! :)

Liz Mays said...

I think you got some cute ones in before the session ended. ;)

Jennie said...

hahaha! Too funny! Seriously, once they are mobile, picture taking goes right out the window :)

Is Charlie tall for his age? He looks so tall in these pictures!

SouthernDogwoods said...

How funny & yet so true! My girls still act like that sometimes!

He & Me + 3 said...

I love his outfit...that sounds about like what I have to do with my 4 & 10 year old. I only have one out of three that enjoys having their picture taken.
He is still adorable.
Love your new profile picture.

Ehrenfelds said...

I have the same problem here.

{Kimber} said...

I feel your pain...truly
now mine are just trained :)

Together We Save said...

That is too funny... I so remember those days... even now it is hard to get all 3 of my girls working with me.

Brandi said...

Yep, sounds very familiar. :) I like his outfit too... super cute!

Kat said...

HAHAHA!!! I remember those days. Ben was a really hard one to capture. Now they all know that the sooner they let me take their picture the sooner they can go and play. ;)

Foursons said...

Hahaha- that last picture cracks me up. You got a great one with peek a boo though!

Meant to be a mom said...

Ha, they are still good even though he's squirming in each one :)

Jessica said...

I feel ya! But they're all cute pictures. And I love the outfit too!

Emmy said...

Lol! Yes some ages are just really really hard to get good pictures

Angie said...

HA! Love the commentary, it is cracking me up.

Cool shoes !

Rachel said...

Totally cracking up because half of the pictures of Itty Bit from this age have my hand pinning him onto whatever piece of furniture I tried to prop him into, LOL.

And don't you just hate it when they're all nice and clean and in an adorable outfit and just pitching a FIT about being photographed?!!? UGH!

He is adorable anyway :) and that takes talent my friend!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What about the old giving them m&ms trick? Or letting their brother or sister entertain? Iz jumps for Natalie and it cracks her up.

Of course, baby wrangling 19 month old pictures are pretty awesome, too!

Leslie said...

oh man! That is too funny. He's just so adorable, no matter how you take the picture ;) But I hear ya on 19 month olds - it's a crazy age, they're all over the place!!!

HeatherOz said...

Hey! You get comments in chinese too? Any ideas?
That is exactly how it goes when I try to get Daisy's picture. If I want a decent picture, I just have to observe her in her natural habitat and maybe try to make her laugh once or twice. It worked out well for Easter! Hopefully by this time next year they will be old enough to be bribed!

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Oh, I so know what you mean....I've been taking pictures each month of TigerBoy on the same quilt for over 3 years now....and that age was a tough one...
I took the bribe cell phone worked many times....

Holly said...

I think you did a great job! Those are fun pics.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Oh these are fun and cute!