I just realized today that I have barely updated everyone on Sasha and he is leaving tomorrow!
Time flies so fast!
I guess after that first week we just got so used to having him around it just slipped my mind. That and the fact that we have been busy doing all kinds of fun stuff.
We took a tour of the World Of Coke where, along with seeing a 4-D movie we also tried over 60 varieties of Coke from countries all around the world.
I learned two things; There are a lot of gross cokes out there (including Diet Coke. Yuck). Coca-cola Classic is still best coke.
Time flies so fast!
I guess after that first week we just got so used to having him around it just slipped my mind. That and the fact that we have been busy doing all kinds of fun stuff.
We took a tour of the World Of Coke where, along with seeing a 4-D movie we also tried over 60 varieties of Coke from countries all around the world.
I learned two things; There are a lot of gross cokes out there (including Diet Coke. Yuck). Coca-cola Classic is still best coke.

We had fun at the Children's Museum. Jack and Sasha were big enough to try out the Velcro wall.
Alex and Sasha accompanied Jack to Lake Altoona for a very frigid 24+ hours while Jack earned his Polar Bear badge for Cub Scouts.
Even Sasha, who frequently laughs at us for thinking our winter is cold, got a little chilly!
And we enjoyed an extended winter break when we got 3+ inches of snow and ice this week. (Yes, that's right. I have been trapped in my house for four - soon to be five - days with four children. But that's really material for another post.) We sledded, built snowmen, ate icicles, and threw snowballs. I say we but I really mean them. I observed all this from the warmth of my living room with a cup of hot chocolate.
It's hard to believe he's going back to Ukraine tomorrow. We will all miss him.
I can't believe he is going back either! It seems like he just arrived!
And I could have told you about the gross coke products! I remember a few from Asia and South America that were particularly rank!
Sounds like you've all had some fun!! I can't believe he's already going back. Time really does fly!
Sounds like you have been really busy! I can't believe it is time for him to go back home already. Wow.
We just got more snow (which I'm thankful for because it makes playing outside much more fun for the boys) and I actually enjoy it. It is the lack of sunshine that gets to me. I think I'll head out to the store today and pick up some Vitamin D supplements. It may just help my mood. ;)
Wow! It's already been five weeks? That's crazy.
Glad he's enjoyed his visit and you guys have, too!
I can't believe he is leaving already. Sounds like a fun time and I love all the snow pics!
So glad that it was a good experience for you all,
wow! that went by fast!! looks like y'all had a great time!
Sounds like fun, but I am confused about Sasha. Guess I better back up and read a bit of why I have missed. lol!
So exciting to hear about Sasha's wonderful visit! Do you guys get to see him again?
I know you will be sad to see him leave! Looks like y'all have made the most of your time together!
That velcro wall is so funny. I'm so glad he's having such a great time with you guys. So sad that he has to leave though :(
So glad that u all have had such a great time. Looks like he fit right in. I am sure the memories u made will last him a lifetime.
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